
The catalogue of the exhibition Frontpage Women. 100 Years of the Residencia de Señoritas (1915-1936), dedicated to the female Group of the Residencia de Estudiantes, directed by María de Maeztu, and that celebrates its centenary this year, analyzes the huge step ahead towards equality of women’s rights which caused that renovation project of Spanish society inspired by the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (ILE). This book intends to be a complete monograph of this topic, which not only shows, with some other materials of the exposition, the work of women that started to be considered and to gain a place in the artistic sphere at that time, but also it expands its contents with the collaborations of some main specialists in this theme, which offer a vision of the studies applied to the Residencia de Señoritas and also an invitation to keep on going deeper in certain aspects of its history.

After a chronology and a text of the curators, Margarita Márquez Padorno and Almudena de la Cueva, there is a special emphasis on the contributions and newness that appear on the process of the investigation and documentation carried by the organization of the showing, and a text about women in the plastic arts at that time, because of the artistic assessment in the exhibition provided by Idoia Murga, it counts with twelve collaborations of different authors that have carried out remarkable contributions to the study of the female group of the Residencia de Estudiantes.

In the case, for instance, of Rosa Capel, who is an exceptional scholar of the History of women in 20th century, or Isabel Pérez-Villanueva, who is the author of the main biography of María de Maeztu and one of the fundamental studies about the Residencia de Estudiantes. Additionally, Carmen Magallón is the responsible for the main theme of the presence of women in Science at that time and the relevant history of the Laboratorio Foster. 

  • 400 pp.
  • Cartoné. 22 x 14 cm
  • ISBN: 978-84-939988-6-8
  • 25 €

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