Residencia is the testimony of the cultural activities and daily life of the Residencia de Estudiantes. Issue 0 was published in February, 1997. Its contents included an article about the Centro de Documentación, its valuable archives and services, an interview with poet Gonzalo Rojas, and articles about the activities during the 96/97 academic year.

The following issues conformed to a similar pattern, with interviews with prominent figures participating in the Residencia activities, articles about the events, unpublished poetry, book reviews and a calendar of future activities.

José Manual Sánchez Ron, Francisco García Olmedo, Carlos Bousoño, Pío Caro Baroja, Patricio Peñalver, Elvira Ontañon, Carlos Wert, Juan Manuel Díaz de Guereñu, Cristobal Halffter and Ramón Barce are among the contributors to Residencia.

revista Residencia
